Word of the Lord spoken through Pastor Paula Baker
October 9, 2005
The Lord would say to you, that this is a day and an hour I’m calling you to come up into My High Tower. I’m
calling you into a place of refuge. I’m calling you into a place that is an apart place. It’s a place set apart,
it’s a place I have set for you. It’s a place I have prepared for you. It’s a place your heart has longed
to go. But the cares of this place (earth) have kept you busy so you’ve not always been able to go into this place,
but I’m telling you this is a day and an hour that you must run into My High Tower.
You must come into the place of refuge, because things are coming upon the earth that My children shall be saved and
shall be safe and shall be protected during these times. But know that this is the time for you to press in, pray, and begin
to examine your self and begin to examine what is in your life, for I am telling you that this day I am bringing a new commissioning
upon the body of Christ, and all of the body of Christ has not been completely cleansed, they have only been partially cleansed,
and some of the Body of Christ has not realized that there is stuff in them that needs to be taken away so that My Holy Spirit
can completely fill and possess and take dominion of them.
Know that this is an hour of self examination, and it is not an hour of examining other denominations, or other Christians,
or even your other family members. This is a time of self examination, and this is a time to come into My presence where the
light of My Glory will expose everything that is dark and everything that needs to go.
And know My children that I am gladly embracing you to bring you into a new level of authority, that I am gladly
bringing you up and cleaning you up and giving you a new garment this day. This day I will hand out new garments, I shall
hand out new mantles, I shall hand out the things you will need to take dominion in your area. Know there is a time of cleansing,
a time of purging. This is a time to examine yourself, because then what I bring out, you will have had time to repent of
and I will not need to expose things publicly in the Body of Christ.
But know this, where there is hidden sin in the body of Christ it shall be exposed if its not repented of. But know I’m
giving space to repent. Use this time, use this time to come into My Glory. Let My light shine in you, open all the doors
in you, in your spirit, in your mind, in your physical being that I can shine My light in them that will expose to you, so
you can break agreement with darkness that try’s to walk with you. You don’t even know the amount of darkness
that try’s to come into agreement with you on a daily basis. But know that I am going to shine My light brighter and
many of you are going to say no to the very things you’ve been saying yes to. No to the things that are just worldly
that aren’t necessarily sinful, but things that are distracting, things that are keeping you from My presence. You are
going to turn away from those things and your going to begin to walk in power, and your going to begin to walk in dominion.
But know it starts this hour in repentance, it starts this time in examining.
I shall take you and I shall lay you upon the surgeon’s table and I shall examine all parts of you, and I will
remove the things that are hindering you. I will remove things that are bringing death to you, I will remove them and replace
them with the light of Jesus Christ My Son as He shines forth in you. That glorious power of light that’s coming forth
in you so that you can heal, restore, and break through and raise the dead. And signs and wonders will be again restored to
My Body. Thus saith the Lord.
Matthew 6:33
This is your scripture for this coming Jewish year. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all
these things will be added unto you.
am telling you prophetically, lay down all your own plans, and lay them down NOW. Seek God first, do His will and get yourself
lined up with Him ready to go to war. You are in an army. You are enlisted whether you want to be or not. If you belong to
Christ Jesus, you are in an army and you are enlisted. But you will not receive instructions if your mind is totally taken
over by things you have planned for yourself.
God has called us into a time of laying down our plans, laying down our dreams if we have to, and using our resources
which is our time, our emotions, and our money, our resources, everything that we own. Begin to propagate the Gospel of Jesus
Christ and take dominion. This is your kingdom. Earth was given to you. God has made all of you some awesome promises and
all of those are going to come to pass. But some times we take the prophetic word and make it our goal, when actually the
preaching of the Gospel is the goal. He’s going to do for you what He said He’s going to do for you so that you
can preach the Gospel, so you can have the finances, so you can be put in the right place. So you will be known so that people
will begin to listen to you when you speak.
This is a time of laying down your own plans, your own purposes and begin to pick up God’s purposes. Seek ye first
the kingdom of God and His righteousness. The body of Christ has only a form of righteousness most of the time. I’m
talking about me. It is hard to be righteous all the time, 24 7 365 24 hours a day. My flesh creeps in there,
but we’re coming into a time where God is saying, lay it down, lay your flesh down. So what if they offended you. So
what they lied about you. So what if you were betrayed, lay it down, lay it down, lay it down, because its time to seek God.
Its time to seek God and His righteousness and He will promote you, He will restore you, He’ll bring you your finances,
He will bring you everything He has said He is going to bring you, only if you seek Him first. This is your scripture for
this entire coming year. Seek ye the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and as you do, everything, everything, all, all,
all, these things shall be added unto you. Says the Lord.