Paula Baker Ministries

Words in Due Season: Generations of God's Glory

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Words in Due Season

"Generations of God's Glory"

Word Of the Lord spoken through Sheryl Baker
May 11, 2006
And the Lord says, "Here and now is a time of restoration of all things
to those who will seek My Face. Declare today that you will follow the
Lord, you and your entire house and I will make you a great nation.
Generations will come through you to a greater end and My Glory will bemade known and I will be given a name that is renown in all the lands.

It (My Name) will reverberate with My Presence and I will go out and
seek to fill My House to the Fullest. Let no one be lost, but all shall
call on the name of the Lord. That is My Will and let it be done on
earth, let all the nations declare My Works and My Righteousness for I
am all things to all men. My Mighty Right Hand is before you this day to declare My Works of Righteousness. Fill your mouths with My Word and carry it forth to a genereation not yet born for they shall come forth like a mighty stampede and I will be a Father to them and I will fill their bossoms with the knowledge of Me. Hallelujah, Make a Decree!"

Last updated on 3/15/2022, 4:08:29 PM